Tag: beach
Bijna in de file op weg naar Puglia!
Bijna het hele dorp is al leeggelopen, maar wij (als waren we de Laatsten der Mohicanen) zijn er nog. Niet heel lang meer, dat moet ik toegeven, maar iedere dag dat ik hoor over ‘zwarte zaterdagen’, ‘code rood voor de weg’ en “2 dagen onderweg geweest want we kwamen gewoon niet vooruit” maakt dat ik er zelf in had willen staan: de […]
Stormy Beach
Just a quick post to show the difference from one lovely beach day to the next. Storm, huge waves, foam, sand in our eyes, mouth, hair and everywhere else.. It was not to be compared with a week ago when it was sunny – spring time. BUT these were beachy moments nonetheless! And, like the lone wanderer, kite and wind surfers, we […]
Beachy moments
What wonderful 2 days we had here in the Netherlands! And as it was the weekend, me and my family went to have a few beachy moments. The first of 2012. And so happy to live close to the sea and have those precious moments at the ready whenever I feel like having them. And living in the Netherlands, those ‘sunbaked’ […]