Tag: illustratie
Art I just bought – a Mermunk by Jon Reinfurt
Just to say that I am so happy with the little piece of art I just bought! This little Mermunk is hopefully arriving at my doorstep soon! This illustration is part of series Mythological creatures that make me laugh. They are all colourful, enjoyable, kind creatures (even though in the original stories they aren’t necessarily so) and I liked them, so […]
Inspiration – Camilla Engman
I look at various websites and blogs for a daily portion of inspiration. One of those blogs is the one by Camilla Engman, a Swedish artist/painter/illustrator. Not only does she have an interesting way of looking at things, but she makes the most wonderful illustrations. These can be on paper, in ceramics, on canvas. Doesn’t really seem to matter to her. […]